The convenience of shooting in Dubai with Film Permit

8 Aug



Dubai with its modern mega-structures, picturesque skyline and old-world charm is one of the most photographed and filmed locations on this planet. It’s a favourite destination for film production companies from the West as also India and is a sought after destination for other documentary filmmakers and the ilk.

It is extremely important for filming units and production companies to keep in mind certain Rules and Regulations regarding filming in Dubai.

  1. Be it indoor or outdoor, permits are required for the shooting of any audio and visual production on public, government or any private property.
  2. Any individual, entity or Corporation who wishes to shoot in Dubai must appoint a licensed production company in UAE recognized by the Dubai Film and TV Commission.
  3. Permits are required for all media platforms like Television, Radio, Film, Online, Mobile, Print.
  4. Permits are also required across content formats like an advertisement, short-form, long-form, Documentary, Radio program and Photography.

Get to know why it’s necessary to get a film permits for shooting in the UAE. Ensure your production is compliant and hassle-free. Get the information you need to proceed smoothly!

Role of Film Permit

Film Permit is a recognized and accredited UAE production company by the Dubai Film and TV Commission. UAEFilmPermit undertakes the hassles of obtaining a permit for your desired shooting location.

The Company has the requisite bandwidth for equipment planning and organising shooting schedules and arranging for vehicles. Experienced drivers are provided who will take you safely to your desired shooting location.

Not only that, the Company efficiently plans your entry and exit from the shooting locations, helps you to stick to your schedules and organize for rental equipment if required.

UAE Film Permit works with clockwork precision as it understands that filming is an extremely high expenditure driven business. The cost of a missed schedule is humungous and thus it respects and honours the client commitment to film production.

Being locals, the company staff is trained to share any necessary dos and don’ts of the country that a foreign client might not know for film shooting purposes.

Learn the best practices for how to film in Dubai from our expert guide. Ensure your production meets all requirements.

UAE Film Permit Commitment

UAE Film Permit understands the filming business and appreciates the fact that a major focus of the shooting crew lies in the creative direction like scripting and other similar nuances.

At the same time, the administrative hassles of a film shoot can never be discounted. If not properly planned, these might result in serious cost overruns that enhance the final cost and affect chances of profitability from the project.

It understands that the Company’s role as a local facilitator to a production crew is crucial to the quality, cost and profitability of the project. Efficiency is thus a given and trust and reliability with UAEFilmPermit will ensure that you will come back again to work with us in this wonderful country.